Best time to Trim Your Trees

Best time to Trim Your Trees

Here is the best time to Trim Your Trees

Typically, the best time to trim your trees varies from one tree to another. We still have the best and the wrong times to do your trimming. Therefore, it is crucial to consult your arborist before you decide on the perfect time to do the trimming. There are cases where individuals have hired arborists who are only interested in money, did the trimming at a wrong time, and ruined their trees. Here's how to know the best time to trim your trees. Further facts about  Jacksonville, FL  can be found here.

Trimming Trees in the Spring and Summer

Tree trimming in the spring yields good results for most species. During spring, branches flower or leaf, making it easier to spot the dead or infected branches that need trimming. On the other hand, summer is the best time to identify weak branches that are subject to removal. In summer, trees fully leaf and make weaker branches to sag and therefore become easy to spot. Information about Get a Top-Quality Tree Trimmer can be found here. 

Tree Trimming in Fall

Fall is the period whereby trees go into dormancy. During this time, it is difficult to know which branches are weaker or dead. Therefore, fall is the worst time to do your tree trimming.

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